RISC Seminars (Research on Information Security and Cryptology)
[List of Speakers]
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Past 2005 Event(s)
December 21 | RISC Seminar- Serge Fehr (CWI): Zero Knowledge
November 30 | RISC Seminar- Agnes Andics (ELTE, Budapest): Comparing Concepts of Complexity of Pseudorandom Binary Sequences
November 2 | RISC Seminar- Torben Pedersen (Technical Director Cryptomathic, Denmark): Challenges when Applying Cryptography
October 24 | Joint RISC/SEN2 Seminar on Cryptography and Formal Methods- Ricardo Corin (University of Twente): Sound Computational Interpretation of Formal Encryption with Composed Keys
- Peter van Rossum (University of Nijmegen): Relations for Anyonymity
- Dennis Hofheinz (CWI): Protocol Analysis using Simulatability
- Mohammed Dashti (CWI): Wanted: Safe or Alive
October 6 | Joint RISC/INS4 Seminar on Quantum Cryptology- Falk Unger (CWI): Implications of Superstrong Nonlocality for Cryptography
- Pim Tuyls (Philips, Eindhoven): Information Theoretic Approach to Quantum Secret Sharing Schemes
- Ronald de Wolf (CWI): Quantum Private Information Retrieval
- Serge Fehr (CWI): Cryptography in the Bounded Quantum-Storage Model
- Louis Salvail (BRICS, Denmark): Quantum Encryption of Classical Messages Using Mutually Unbiased Bases
- Harry Buhrman (CWI): On the (Im)possibility of Quantum String Commitment
September 30 | Joint RISC/DIAMANT Seminar on The Mathematics of Cryptology- Carles Padró (UPC, Barcelona): Ideal Secret Sharing Schemes, Matroids and Polymatroids
- Peter Montgomery (Microsoft Research, Seattle): Polynomial Selection for General Number Field Sieve
- Robbert de Haan (CWI): Applications of Shamir Multi-Secret Sharing
- Ronald Cramer (CWI & Leiden University): Blackbox Secret Sharing from Primitive Sets in Algebraic Number Fields
May 13 | RISC Seminar- Berry Schoenmakers (TU Eindhoven): On second order differential power analysis in the Hamming weight model
- Robbert de Haan (CWI): Hierarchical threshold secret sharing
- David Galindo (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen): Boneh-Franklin identity based encryption revisited
March 7 | RISC Seminar- Gadiel Seroussi (Hewlett-Packard Labs, Palo Alto): Universal Types, Trees, and Simulation of Individual Sequences
January 21 | Joint RISC/Intercity Seminar on The Mathematics of Cryptology- Carles Padró (UPC Barcelona): Secret Sharing Schemes, Error Correcting Codes and Matroids
- Salil Vadhan (Harvard): Randomness Extractors and their Cryptographic Applications
- Rafi Ostrovsky (UCLA): Survey on Private Information Retrieval
- Phong Nguyen (ENS Paris): From Euclid to Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz: Revisiting Lattice Basis Reduction
- Steven Galbraith (Royal Holloway): The Eta Pairing