RISC Seminars (Research on Information Security and Cryptology)
[List of Speakers]
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Past 2014 Event(s)
September 18-19 | Special two-day RISC Seminar on the Theory of Cryptography- Ignacio Cascudo (Aarhus University, Denmark): Multiplicative linear secret sharing for non-commutative algebras and applications
- Javier Herranz (UPC Barcelona, Spain): Using dual access structures in some cryptographic protocols
- Max Fillinger (CWI, The Netherlands): Bit-commitment schemes with non-signaling adversaries
- Gabriele Spini (CWI and Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands): Robust Secret Sharing through List Decoding
- Oriol Farràs (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain): On the optimization of secret sharing schemes for general access structures
- Carles Padró (UPC Barcelona, Spain): On non-perfect secret sharing schemes
- Marc Stevens (CWI, The Netherlands): Counter-cryptanalysis: secure use of weak standards
- Diego Mirandola (CWI and Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands): On squares of codes
- Berry Schoenmakers (TUE, The Netherlands): Explicit Optimal Binary Pebbling for One-Way Hash Chain Reversal
- Krzysztof Pietrzak (IST, Austria): Nested hybrid arguments with applications to selective decryption and constrained PRFs
- Dennis Hofheinz (KIT, Germany): Compact and tightly secure cryptography in the standard model
July 4 | Special RISC Seminar on the Theory and Practice of Quantum Information Processing- Ronald Hanson (TU Delft): Towards a secure quantum Internet via teleportation and a loophole-free Bell test
- Miriam Blaauboer (TU Delft): Physical implementation of quantum components for quantum computation and communication
- Serge Fehr (CWI): The monogamy of entanglement, and applications to quantum cryptography
- Frédéric Dupuis (Aarhus University, DK): Bounding the uncertainty of constrained adversaries
May 23 | Joint RISC/Intercity Seminar- Serge Fehr (CWI): Reconstructing a Shared Secret in the Presence of Faulty Shares - A Survey
- Aner Moshe Ben Efraim (Ben-Gurion University, Israel): Multi-Linear Secret-Sharing Schemes
- Ronald Cramer (CWI/Leiden): Optimal Algebraic Manipulation Detection Codes
- Daniele Venturi (Sapienza University, Italy): Non-Malleable Codes and Applications
April 15 | RISC Seminar- Daniele Micciancio (University of California, San Diego): An equational approach to secure computation
February 18 | Special RISC Seminar on Cryptanalysis - Marc Stevens (CWI): Update on cryptanalysis & counter-cryptanalysis of SHA-1
- Max Fillinger (CWI): Reconstructing the Cryptanalytic Attack behind the Flame Malware
- Orr Dunkelman (Haifa U): Meet in the Middle Attacks
- Orr Dunkelman (Haifa U): Meet in the Middle Attacks - The Next Generation