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RISC seminar: LDPC Codes & Functional Encryption
Two talks
Date: | Fri, Nov 29, 2019 |
Location: | CWI, Room L017 |
Schedule: | |
16:00 -- 16:45 | Nicolas Resch (Carnegie Mellon University): LDPC Codes Achieve List Decoding Capacity Abstract: Abstract: We show that Gallager's ensemble of Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes achieve list-decoding capacity. These are the first graph-based codes shown to have this property. Previously, the only codes known to achieve list-decoding capacity were completely random codes, random linear codes, and codes constructed by algebraic (rather than combinatorial) techniques. This result opens up a potential avenue towards truly linear-time list-decodable codes which achieve list-decoding capacity.
Our result on list decoding follows from a much more general result: any local property satisfied with high probability by a random linear code is also satisfied with high probability by a random LDPC code from Gallager's distribution. Local properties are properties characterized by the exclusion of small sets of codewords, and include list-decoding, list-recovery and average-radius list-decoding. Along the way, we give a characterization of sets of codewords that are likely to appear in a random linear code, which may be of independent interest.
Joint work with Jonathan Mosheiff, Noga Ron-Zewi, Shashwat Silas, and Mary Wootters
17:00 -- 17:45 | Romain Gay (Cornell Tech, NY, USA): Functional Encryption: a bottom up approach. Abstract: This talk will present recent advances in Functional Encryption, a cryptographic object that allows users to perform selective computation on the encrypted data. Namely, in a Functional Encryption scheme, it is possible to derive a key associated with a function f, which allows users to recover from an encryption of the message m, the value f(m), and nothing else. We will see a series of work that aims at building Functional Encryption from the ground up; that is, practical schemes that rely on mathematically sound assumptions, for restricted classes of functions that we show have interesting applications. We will present the work of [BCFG18], which builds the first public-key Functional Encryption that supports the generation of keys associated with degree-2 polynomials, with succinct ciphertexts. We will show how such schemes can be used to perform private inference, as done in [RDGPP19]. Finally, we will talk about decentralizing Functional Encryption, as done in [CDGPP18].
[BCFG18]: https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/151
[RDGPP19]: https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.10214
[CDGPP18]: https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/989
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