RISC Seminars (Research on Information Security and Cryptology)

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RISC Seminar
Date:March 1
Location:CWI, Room M280
16:00-17:00Vinod Vaikuntanathan (MIT):
Random Selection and Byzantine Agreement in the Full-Information Model
Abstract: Random Selection -- one of the most basic protocol problems in cryptography and distributed computing -- asks for mutually distrusting parties to jointly generate a random string. Feige (FOCS 99) and Russell and Zuckerman (FOCS 98) construct elegant random selection protocols that run in log* n rounds, in the full-information model. These protocols, however, assume a *built-in reliable broadcast channel*. We construct random selection protocols that run in O(log n) rounds in the plain model, namely, *without* reliable broadcast channels. One of the consequences of this result is an O(log n)-round randomized Byzantine Agreement protocol, improving on the previous best result of (n/log n) rounds (Chor-Coan '85).

Based on joint work with Shafi Goldwasser and Elan Pavlov (FOCS 06).