The demonstrators are shephered by members of the MonetDB core team at CWI as part of ongoing research. The website was designed with the financial support of NWO. The Skyserver database was provided by Alex Szalay and his team at Johns Hopkins. Access to the seismic database was provided by the ORFEUS team. The development and maintenance of MonetDB and SciQL are made possible through contribution from both national and EU funds. In particular, the Netherlands COMMIT project provides for continual development and support of MonetDB. The EU funded project TELEIOS on remote sensing database technology, carves out the functionality to handle array-based processing in a database kernel. The EMILI project is focussed on Complex Event Processing in a security risk application settings. The UK eScience program facilitates exploration and interaction amongst database researchers and application owners to derive the core technology requirements. It is driven by Malcolm Atkinson of Edinburgh eScience institute.