
Manifold papers available

o Manifold2.0 reference manual
document: Compressed PostScript (493 KB, 159 pp)
o DTh, a package for building applications with distributed threads
document: Compressed PostScript (81 KB, 16 pp)
o Mlink, the Manifold task linker
document: Compressed PostScript (54 KB, 9 pp)
o Config, A Utility for Run-time Configuration of Distributed Applications
document: Compressed PostScript (58 KB, 7 pp)
o Build, a utility for building distributed and parallel applications
document: Compressed PostScript (35 KB, 3 pp)
o Decoy, a utility to produce fake Manifold modules
document: Compressed PostScript (22 KB, 1 pp)
o Description of the layers of Manifold 2.0
document: Compressed PostScript (3 KB, 1 pp)

o Configuration and Dynamic Reconfiguration of Components Using the Coordination Paradigm
G. A. Papadopoulos and F. Arbab
Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier Science, 2001 (to appear).
document: Compressed PostScript (77 KB, 17 pp)
o Distributed splitting of constraint satisfaction problems
Prof.dr. F. Arbab and Dr. E.B.G. Monfroy
CWI technical report, 2000, SEN-R0027, ISSN 1386-369X
document: Abstract document: Compressed PostScript (121 Kb, 16 pp)

o Modelling Control Systems in an Event-Driven Coordination Language
T. A. Lemniotes and G. A. Papadopoulos
Proceedings of HPCN'2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Springer Verlag, LNCS vol. 1823, pp. 177-186.
document: Compressed PostScript (775 Kb, 10 pp)

o Real-Time Coordination in Distributed Multimedia Systems
T. A. Lemniotes and G. A. Papadopoulos
proceedings of IPDPS 2000, and WPDRTS 2000, Cancun, Mexico, Springer Verlag, LNCS vol. 1800, pp. 685-691.
document: Compressed PostScript (28 Kb, 7 pp)

o Coordinating Electronic Commerce Activities in MANIFOLD
G. A. Papadopoulos and F. Arbab
Netnomics, Baltzer Science Publishers BV, Vol. 2, 2000, pp. 101-116.
document: Compressed PostScript (99 KB, 20 pp)
o Dynamic Reconfiguration in Coordination Languages
G. A. Papadopoulos and F. Arbab
Proceedings of HPCN'2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Springer Verlag, LNCS vol. 1823, pp. 197-206.
document: Compressed PostScript (51 KB, 10 pp)
o Dynamic Process Composition and Communication Patterns in Irregularly Structured Applications.
K. Everaars, B. Koren and F. Arbab
Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 2000, vol. 12, pp. 157-174.
Short version: Proceedings of Irregular '99, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Springer Verlag, LNCS vol. 1586, pp. 1046-1054.
o Using Co-ordination to parallelize existing sequential programs
F. Arbab, K. Everaars and B. Koren
ERCIM News 36, 1999, pp. 33-34.
o A transition system semantics for the control-driven coordination language MANIFOLD
Marcello M. Bonsangue, Farhad Arbab, J.W. de Bakker, J.J.M.M. Rutten, A. Scutella and G. Zavattaro
CWI technical report SEN-R9829, ISSN 1386-369X
document: Abstract document: Compressed PostScript (858 KB, 38 pp)
o What Do You Mean, Coordination?
F. Arbab,
March '98 Issue of the Bulletin of the Dutch Association for Theoretical Computer Science (NVTI)
document: Compressed PostScript (86 Kb, 18 pp)

o Coordination models and languages
G.A. Papadopoulos and Prof.dr. F. Arbab
CWI technical report SEN-R9834, ISSN 1386-369X
Also published: Advances in Computers, Academic Press, August 1998, Vol. 46: The Engineering of Large Systems
document: Abstract document: Compressed PostScript (761 Kb, 55 pp)

o Coordination of heterogeneous distributed cooperative constraint solving
Prof.dr. F. Arbab and Dr. E.B.G. Monfroy
CWI technical report SEN-R9828, ISSN 1386-369X
Also published: Applied Computing Review, Vol 6, pp. 4-17, ACM SIGAPP, 1998.
document: Abstract document: Compressed PostScript (810 Kb, 25pp)

o Coordination Languages for Parallel Programming
F. Arbab, P. Ciancarini, and C. Hankin
Parallel Computing, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 989-1004, 1998.
document: Compressed PostScript (88 KB, 21 pp)
o Coordination of a heterogeneous coastal hydrodynamics application in Manifold
Drs. C.L. Blom, Prof.dr. F. Arbab, S. Hummel and I.J.P. Elshof
CWI technical report, 1998, SEN-R9833, ISSN 1386-369X
document: Abstract document: Compressed PostScript (472 Kb, 8 pp)

o Coordination of a parallel proposition solver
Drs. C.T.H. Everaars and Drs. B. Lisser
CWI technical report, 1998, SEN-R9832, ISSN 1386-369X
Also published: P. Ciancarini, A.L. Wolf (eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Coordination Languages and Models, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999, Springer Verlag, LNCS vol. 1594, pp. 275-290.
document: Abstract document: Compressed PostScript (132 Kb, 18 pp)

o Modelling Activities in Information Systems Using the Coordination Language MANIFOLD
G. A. Papadopoulos and F. Arbab
Proceedings of SAC'98, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, ACM Press, pp. 185-193.
document: Compressed PostScript (74 KB, 9 pp)
o Modelling Electronic Commerce Activities Using Control-Driven Coordination
G. A. Papadopoulos and F. Arbab
Proceedings of Ninth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Vienna, Austria, 1998, IEEE Press, pp. 583-588.
document: Compressed PostScript (49 KB, 6 pp)
o Distributed and Parallel Systems Engineering in Manifold
G. Papadopoulos
Parallel Computing, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 1137-1160, 1998.
document: Compressed PostScript (54 Kb, 25 pp)

o Using Coordination for Cooperative Constraint Solving
F. Arbab and E. Monfroy
Proc. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1998, pp. 139-148
document: Compressed PostScript (139 Kb, 10 pp)

o Reusable Coordination Modules for Massively Concurrent Applications
F. Arbab, C. L. Blom, F. J. Burger, and C. T. H. Everaars
Software: Practice and Experience, Vol. 28, No. 7, June 1998, pp. 703-735
short version: Proceedings of Europar96, Lyon (France), August 1996.
document: Compressed PostScript (309 Kb, 38 pp)

o Control-Driven Coordination of Human and Other Activities in Cooperative Information Systems
G. A. Papadopoulos and F. Arbab
Proceedings of Coordination'97, Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, LNCS vol. 1282, pp. 422-425.
document: Compressed PostScript (22 KB, 4 pp)
o Coordination of Distributed and Parallel Activities in the IWIM Model
G. A. Papadopoulos and F. Arbab
International Journal of High Speed Computing, World Scientific, 1997, Vol. 9 (2), pp. 127-160.
document: Compressed PostScript (72 KB, 37 pp)
o Using coordination to parallelize sparse-grid methods for 3D CFD problems
Drs. C.T.H. Everaars and B. Koren
CWI technical report SEN-R9705, ISSN 1386-369X
Short version: Parallel Computing, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 1081-1106, 1998.
document: Abstract document: Compressed PostScript (219 Kb, 23 pp)

o Parallel and distributed evolutionary computation with Manifold
F. Seredynski, P. Bouvry, and F. Arbab
Proceedings of PaCT-97, Yaroslavl, Russia, Springer Verlag LNCS vol. 1277, pp. 94-108
Short version: proceedings of: FEA'97 - First International Workshop on Frontiers in Evolutionary Algorithms (part of the third Joint Conference on Information Sciences), Duke University (USA).
document: Compressed PostScript (179 Kb, 15 pp)

o Control-driven coordination programming in shared dataspace
G. A. Papadopoulos and F. Arbab
Proceedings of PaCT-97, Yaroslavl, Russia, Springer Verlag LNCS vol. 1277, pp. 247-261
document: Compressed PostScript (49 Kb, 15 pp)

o Multiple semi-coarsened multigrid for 3D CFD
B. Koren, P. W. Hemker and C.T.H. Everaars
Proceedings of the 13th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Snowmass Village, Reston, USA, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, pp. 892-902.
o Coordination of systems with real-time properties in Manifold
G.A. Papadopoulos and F.Arbab.
Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, August 1996.
document: Compressed PostScript (52 Kb, 6 pp)

o Restructuring sequential Fortran code into a parallel/distributed application
C.T.H. Everaars, Farhad Arbab and Freek J. Burger
CWI technical report CS-R9628, ISSN 0169-118X
Also published: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Maintenance '96, Monterey, California, pp. 13-22
document: Abstract document: Compressed PostScript (97 KB, 14 pp)
o Coordination of distributed/parallel multiple-grid domain decomposition
C.T.H. Everaars and Farhad Arbab
CWI technical report CS-R9627, ISSN 0169-118X
Also published: Proceedings of Irregular 96, LNCS, August 1996
document: Abstract document: Compressed PostScript (221 KB, 20 pp)
o Visifold: A visual environment for a coordination language
P. Bouvry and F. Arbab.
Coordination Languages and Models, vol 1061 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 403-406, Springer-Verlag, April 1996.
document: Compressed PostScript (164 KB, 4 pp)
o The IWIM model for coordination of concurrent activities
F. Arbab.
Coordination Languages and Models, vol 1061 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 34-56, Springer-Verlag, April 1996.
document: Compressed PostScript (104 KB, 23 pp)
o Reusability of coordination programs
Prof.dr. F. Arbab, Drs. C.L. Blom, F.J. Burger and Drs. C.T.H. Everaars
CWI technical report, 1996, CS-R9621, ISSN 0169-118X
document: Abstract document: Compressed PostScript (200 Kb, 14 pp)

o Coordination of massively concurrent activities
Farhad Arbab
CWI technical report CS-R9565, ISSN 0169-118X
document: Abstract document: Compressed PostScript (141 KB, 31 pp)
o Paper for CWI Jubileum 95.
document: Compressed PostScript (70 KB, 9 pp)
o The skeleton of a computer farm in Manifold.
F. Arbab, I. Herman and E.P.M.B. Rutten.
H. El-Rewini, T.Lewis and B.D. Schriver Editors,
Proceedings of the 26th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, volume II, pages 347-356, Los Alamitos, California, 1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.
o An overview of Manifold and its implementation.
F. Arbab, I. Herman and P. Spilling
Concurrency: Pratice and Experience, 5(1):23-70, February 93
document: Compressed PostScript (197 KB, 38 pp)
o Formal Specification of Manifold: a preliminary study.
E.P.B.M. Rutten, Prof.dr. F. Arbab and Dr. I. Herman
CWI technical report, 1992, CS-R9215, ISSN 0169-118X
document: Compressed PostScript (141 Kb, 34 pp)

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