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J. Hendrix, Zs. Ruttkay, P. ten Hagen, H. Noot, A. Lelievre, B. de Ruiter, A facial repertoire for avatars, Proceedings of the Workshop "Interacting Agents", Enschede, The Netherlands, 2000, (to appear).
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Zs. Ruttkay, H. Noot, Solution Strategies to Produce Facial Animations, Proceedings of the ERCIM/Compulog Workshop on Constraints, Padova Italy, June 2000.
Zs. Ruttkay, H. Noot, Behr de Ruiter, Paul ten Hagen, CharToon Faces for the Web, Poster Proceedings of the 9th Int. WWW conference pages 28-31, Amsterdam the Netherlands, May 2000.
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Zs. Ruttkay, H. Noot, Animated CharToon Faces, NPAR 2000 : "First International Symposium on Non Photorealistic Animation and Rendering" proceedings pages 91-100, June 2000.
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Zs. Ruttkay, A. Lelievre, CharToon 2.1 extensions: Expression repertoire and lip sync, CWI Report INS-R0016, Amsterdam, 2000.
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J. Hendrix, Zs.Ruttkay, Exploring the space of emotional faces of subjects without acting experience, CWI Report INS-R0013, Amsterdam, 2000.
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H. Noot, Zs. Ruttkay, CharToon 2.0 Manual, CWI Report INS-R0004, Amster
dam, 2000.
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Zs. Ruttkay, P. ten Hagen, H. Noot, CharToon: a system to animate 2D cartoon faces, Short Papers and Demos Proc. of Eurographics'99., 1999.
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Zs. Ruttkay, Constraint-based facial animation CWI Report INS-R9907, Ma
y 1999, Also to appear in the Int. Journal of Constraints in 2000.
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Zs. Ruttkay, P. ten Hagen, and H. Noot, Constrained-based keyframing, ECAI'98 workshop: "Constraint Techniques for Artistic Applications" proceedings, Brighton UK, August 1998.
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Zs. Ruttkay, P. ten Hagen, H. Noot, and M. Savenije, Facial animation by synthes
is of captured and artificial data, CAPtech '98 proceedings, 1998.