
This program is a graphical tool for interactively creating expressions for parameter based facial models by dragging the mouse. In its simples form, a facial model, together with an image of the disc with 6 differently colored segments appears on screen.


When dragging the mouse over the disc, the face changes it's expression as suggested below (In reality only one face is shown at a time!)


Every segment of the disc corresponds to a different basic emotion (surprise, anger, fear, disgust, joy, sadness). In addition, one sees that the disc also has 10 sectors. The middle point of the perimeter of every sector of every segment corresponds to a fixed, predefined value for the parameters of the model. Parameter values for other points are found by bi-linear interpolation. With normal use, the center of the disc corresponds to a neutral expression, its perimeter to a maximally intense expression. When dragging the mouse over the disc, the facial expression of the model changes according to the parameter values at the mouse position.

This sw has been initially developed in the context of the 2D facial animation system CharToon: in that form it uses CharToon's FacePlayer component to render the model. CharToon's FaceEditor is used once to create the model, and Animation Editor is used once to create the sample points.

It can be used (with some modifications) with other model players too, provided these players are capable to pick up their input one line at a time. Such a input line must consist of values for parameters of the model. As an example of using the disc outside the CharToon framework, we drove Catherine Pelachaud's Mpeg4 compliant Greta facial model with it.s


* The model can be driven with up till 3 discs, each controlling a different part of the face.


* It is possible to instantiate the disc with a different number of segments (corresponding to a different nr. of basic emotions) and with a diferent nr of sectors (corresponding to more or less predefined emotion intensities).

* On can achieve highly cartoon like effects like for instance bulging eyes for intense surprise (by choosing proper sample points values).

For this project contact: Han Noot or Zsófia Ruttkay.

For a totally redesigned commercial version of CharToon, contact Paul ten Hagen at Epictoid for further information.

This page was last modified on
. Maintained by Han Noot.