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This is the website of the project QAIP (Quantum Algorithms and Information Processing). The project is funded by the European Union, as fifth framework project IST-1999-11234.
QAIP's main objective is to study quantum computing from a computer science angle. Starting in the work by Feynman, Benioff, and Deutsch in the early 1980, and exploding after Peter Shor's 1994 efficient quantum algorithms for factoring and discrete logs (which break most of current cryptography, including RSA), quantum computing is quickly becoming a prominent area of computer science and physics. Realizing the promise of quantum computing requires two things: (1) showing that quantum computers are actually useful, by exhibiting tasks which they can do significantly better/faster than classical computers, and (2) actually building a quantum computer. The QAIP project focuses on the first of these. Its goals are to develop new algorithms and analyse the complexity of relevant problems on a quantum computer; to develop new forms of cryptography that make use of quantum mechanics; and to develop and improve methods for error correction in quantum computers.

Participating sites


Deliverables (access password restricted)

Some useful links

Last modified: Mon Aug 25 01:32:39 CEST 2003
Maintained by Ronald de Wolf and Hein Röhrig.